Supervisor CHW Performance Monitoring

Sorry for the long silence. There’s lot’s of great suggestions in this thread.

  • I definitely see a value for displaying the amount earned. We had this in a past program (not using CHT), and had simple tables/reports in both CHV and supervisor apps. Looking at this from the CHV’s point of view, a drawback for them might be it’s difficult to calculate the final sum if there’s a larger number of targets.
  • I also generally like the suggestion to generate tasks based on targets. Our supervisors are supposed to follow-up with low-performing CHVs, so automating this could make things easier for them. On the other hand, the application logic could become complex quickly: while after some months our supervisors might get a feeling with which CHVs they need to follow up more closely, putting all this into hard and fast rules might not be the best option (could be too complex, give a false sense of “security” if tasks not triggered, could trigger tasks to early/too often/unnecessarily, etc.).
  • Goals in targets: we are currently also hitting this limitation. We wanted to define goals based on the number of people/households/kids U5/etc. registered in a CHVs catchment area. While it’s generally possible, a limitation is that we would calculate the target based on people/etc. registered in the last month, to avoid “moving targets”. For example, if we say x% of registered U5 children should be visited, if you register a child, your target changes, which led to CHV frustration in a past program.
  • Tables: We are currently experimenting with this. Depending on screen layout and the amount of data, it might be possible to come up with a design that requires only horizontal or vertical scrolling instead of both. Even if scrolling is required, the information a table conveys could be superior to the information you get navigating “through the hierarchy”.
  • Automated payment of incentives: while really interesting, we probably would not opt to do this at this point since in the past there had been a) too much need for manual adjustment (e.g. people weren’t able to synchronize due to network issues), and b) too much back and forth with a mobile money service provider due to different issues. However, for scalability, automation and distribution of inventive payment approvals, e.g. to supervisors, are interesting points to discuss.