Generate task after a certain condition from the app form

Hi @Sanjit7

The task configuration parameter which controls when tasks get created is appliesIf, you can find detailed explanations about this on the docs site: Understanding the parameters in the Task Schema | Community Health Toolkit
resolvedIf is only called after the task gets created. A true response from resolvedIf will clear the task, while a false response will keep it active.
The way your code works now, always returning false when “bp1_eq_bp2” === “no” means that your tasks will stay active for these reports, which is the opposite of what you’re looking for, as far as I understand.

Can you please try rewriting your task so that:

  • you use appliesIf to filter out reports that have report.bp1_eq_bp2 === 'no' (tasks.js | Community Health Toolkit)
  • you rewrite resolvedIf to complete your task when the desired report is submitted

Please let us know about your progress!