How to post `xlsx` files to forums?

Describe the Bug
I’d like to post an .xlsx file to help debug and issue, but the CHT forum reports:

Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, mp4).

How To Reproduce The Issue

  1. Go to any forum post and draft a comment
  2. Attempt to add an .xlsx attachment to the comment
  3. See error

This came on this forum post.

Expected Behavior
Be able to add .xlsx files directly to forum posts to help debug app development. Also acceptable would be provide an easy mechanism to upload elsewhere and link to this.



  • CHT Forum
  • Your local browser :wink:

Additional Context
I tried zipping the file, this was of course was rejected too.

CC @samuel & @gareth

.xlsx is not an authorized file extension in the CHT forum. Sharing a link to a view-only Google sheet would be safer than enabling .xlsx extensions. (I’d recommend adding the file to a ‘do not delete or modify’ folder in your GDrive.)

Ah - for safety that all makes sense, thanks for the info @samuel . I think linking to another source (eg Google Drive) is probably as good as a solution as any. In my issue I uploaded a .zip with my .xlsx to github.


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