Error in implementation of enketto

Dear all,

I have yet discovered another bug in the way CHT has implemented ‘enketo’.
When there is a negative number as output of a if clause in a calculate field, the form will not load and an error will be displayed.
I mean that something like this:


won’t work.


will work.

I hope that those bugs get fixed when the new enketo version is shipped in an update.

Best regards


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@raf you are probably getting tired of me saying this :smile:, but yes, I have confirmed that this will be fixed with the Enketo upgrade we are shipping in cht-core 4.0.

For previous CHT versions, one workaround would be to use the int function to wrap the negative value: if(${var}>2,int(-1),0). That seems to bypass the error without changing the meaning of the logic…

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Hehe, yes I can’t wait for you to roll this out. Thank you.

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In case this is interesting for someone else:
I could not use your solution because my numbers were floats, but this


is working as well.

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Nice! Thanks for posting the solution!

Also just wanted to note for the record here (in case anyone reads this and gets confused later) the core issue here, I think, was how the Enketo xPath evaluator was converting values as part of its calculation. This issue must have been fixed in a later version of enketo-core and/or openrosa-xpath-evaluator that are being picked up in version 4.0 of the CHT. It was not exactly an issue with the way the CHT was using Enketo before…