Does CHT Core support Clustered CouchdB

How do we set up CHT Core for a clustered couchDB set up?
(environment Linux/AWS cloud)


I don’t know of any reason why the CHT wouldn’t work on a CouchDB cluster, however this hasn’t been tested or documented in any way. If you want to give it a try I’d be very interested in the outcome. You’ll need to be reasonably comfortable with CouchDB and Docker.

This is the approach I’d take…

  1. Set up a clustered CouchDB following their instructions.
  2. Set the COUCH_URL and COUCH_NODE_NAME environment variables in Docker so instead of the services using the locally installed CouchDB they use your new clustered one.

There is one known bug with clustering and credentials. If you need to set credentials follow the workaround documented on the issue.

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