Cannot see uploaded form on medic-collect

I am using medic-collect to view a form a I created. I have uploaded xml form under res/assets/forms/ folder and I configured the app as seen in the screenshot.

When I run the app and go to “Get Blank Forms”, I do not see the form I uploaded. Am I missing some steps?

Hi @iesmail .

What do you get when you request the forms directly from the server as described in the troubleshooting section of the docs?

You’ve probably already found it but in case you haven’t here’s the documentation for collect forms.

I get this:

In that troubleshooting section there’s an API you can query from the command line to get the list of forms.

curl -vvvv -H "x-openrosa-version: 1" http://user:pass@host:port/api/v1/forms

Can you try executing that and see if it returns the expected forms?

Hi @iesmail, here are a few pointers:

You may have to initialise a project first, add the xlsx to the forms > collect directory, and then use cht-conf to convert and upload the collect forms to your server.

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